General Information
8-8-8 with .35 Boron .05 Copper .10 Iron .05 Manganese .0005 Molybdenum .05 Zinc
- Our go-to foliar application for all crops during the vegetative growth stage
- Applied at 2 to 4 quarts per acre
- Best results when applied with Earthquake Liquid Humic
- Can be applied with most herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides (jar test always recommended)
“Unless a grower is tissue sampling, it’s difficult to know what a crop may be missing out on. Our Triple 8 Plus has an 8-8-8 analysis with 6 different micronutrients. It is our go to product for foliar feeding any crop during the vegetative growth stage. Foliar feeding is a convenient means of providing nutrients before a crop deficiency shows itself. Once you see a deficiency, yield has been lost.”
Without Triple 8 Plus (left side) and With Triple 8 Plus (right side)